Monday, November 18, 2019

O2 trans Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

O2 trans - Essay Example For such a reason, chemical engineering based on this models treats the circulatory system as a chemical process, with the heart as an ultimate pump and blood vessels acting as pipes. However, the body which is termed as a chemical plant in this perspective since it is accorded with both the output and input systems and allows us to use mathematical equation for modeling oxygen transport. On the other hand, it is of great value to know the term diffusion and convection and towards learning and calculation of the rate of oxygen transport within a human body. This convection is much more dominant in the larger blood vessel like arteries. Also, diffusion occurs more likely within dominant small blood vessel including veins and capillaries. The entire breathing system often begins begin from the nose towards lungs, before finally dissolving in the water lining composed of alveoli. Oxygen hence clings into the red blood cells as they bypass through the alveoli capillaries. The entire circulatory system is mainly responsible for the transport of substances throughout the body. It transports water, oxygen and nutrients to billions of the body cells as well as carrying away of wastes that includes carbon dioxide produced by the body during the entire excretion process. It one of the most amazing highway that revolves through an individual’s entire body while connecting all the available body cells. The heart, lungs, and blood vessels work together towards forming the circular segment of the entire circulatory system. The heart plays a distinct role of pumping blood and keeping of the blood flow throughout an individual’s body. Blood vessels assist in transportation of blood from the heart to all the destined places. Their main role is to the aspect of oxygen transportation from outside into the entire bloodstream, and the release of carbon dioxide from bloodstream into the ultimate

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